Women’s Health Supplements
Women’s Health Supplements is dedicated to your individual health needs. You will only find natural health supplements and natural vitamin supplements on this website. Women face a much greater challenge than do men. I can say this because I am a man.
There is a BUSY BEE loose on the Women’s Health Supplements website. For women on the go click on the bee to fill out the personal supplement recommendations questionnaire or click on the “BUSY BEE FORM” button. Your personal supplement recommendations will be e-mailed to you in confidence.
Vitamins and minerals recognized
There are no “wonder” supplements on Women’s Health Supplements. Unless I find several studies indicating a supplements’ overwhelming health benefit I will not recommend it. Vitamins and minerals recognized by the medical profession can do wonders if your body is deficient.
I do recommend extra vitamins and minerals for certain lifestyles and age-specific reasons. The best advice I can give you is to be the judge of your own nutrition needs. Buy the smallest quantity of a supplement and see if it helps in your area of concern.
As an example, I’ll use MSM.
If you suffer from arthritis or joint pain take the dosage recommended on Women’s Health Supplements. I choose my dosage recommendations based on clinical studies, not sales hype. After a time you feel appropriate (at least 1 month) decide if it has helped your pain. If it did then continue using it, if it didn’t why keep spending money on it.
Read what each vitamin or mineral does in your body. You are the expert on your body. If you feel that you may be deficient because of symptoms you’re having then try a supplement.
Vitamin B6 supplement
For example, I’ll use vitamin B6. If you feel down or depressed try a vitamin B6 supplement. This vitamin helps in the production of serotonin, melatonin, and dopamine. The same rule applies. If it helps keep taking it and if it doesn’t save your money.
You are the best judge and jury on what your body needs. All I can do is tell you what the experts in their fields say about each vitamin and what dosages are safe to take.
Most Information.
Please start taking a multivitamin for your age and lifestyle if you aren’t already. Then use additional supplements if you feel you may be deficient in any area based on the information provided here and elsewhere.
Links are provided to different government or government-funded agencies. If you want information on any of your body’s needs please check at their sites. Never base your supplement needs on sales brochures.